Rocketry Clubs
Rocketry Club
Our Rocketry Club is open to students in grades 5-12 who attend school in Rockford and the surrounding areas.
The purpose is to encourage enjoyment and involvement in the hobby of low and high power sports rocketry.
Currently the club meets on Wednesday's from 3:10-4:30, 3 or 4 times a month. All meeting take place in the 7th grade science lab at the Bell School campus. We also host 4-6 launch days on Saturday or Sunday at one of our two launch fields. The high power field has a FAA waiver to 10,000 feet. Both fields are east of Poplar Grove airport.
Students who join the Rocketry Club will be building and launching their own rockets.
For more information, contact Mrs. Bradley at Bell School campus. Here are some highlights
Team America Rocket Challenge is for RCS student grades 7-12 who want to be on a competitive team. We meet Wednesday's from 3-6pm from October - April.
You learn the basics of model rocket building as well as introductions to rocketry electronics, advanced construction and recovery techniques.
Contact Mr. Manke for more information