Graduation Requirements
This is a total of 52 credits. One credit is given for each full time semester class. Please note the following college requirements. Colleges/Universities are increasing their admission requirements, and leaders of business and industry are concerned about the academic preparation of those entering the work force. The faculty and administration of RCS expect all students to enroll in a minimum of six or more courses during each year of high school. Institutions of higher learning report a direct correlation between academic success at the university and the maintenance of a rigorous course of study during the senior year.
All high school students are required to perform 20 hours of approved community service per year.
Jan Term
Jan Term is a one-week interim between 1st and 2nd semester that allows for in-depth study of areas not offered within the regular school curriculum. Jan Term courses/trips/internships are graded and credits are counted toward graduation requirements.
Honors and Academic Program
Both programs are college preparatory. The honors program carries a weighted grade system. Honors placement is determined by teacher recommendation, parental and student request, and standardized test scores. Advanced Placement courses are treated as honors courses.