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Athletic Information


Grades 1-5 Flag Football

  • Season:  September - October
  • Practices time are determined for each group
  • Game Day:  Saturdays, Belvidere North High School
  • Cost:  $85 (students need to be provided a mouth guard)

Grades 4 and 5 Co-Ed Soccer

  • Season:  September - October
  • Practices:  TBD
  • Game Days:  Thursdays, Rockford Lutheran High School
  • Cost:  $85

Junior Lions Basketball and Cheerleading

  • Season: November - December
  • Practices:  Bell School Campus
  • Games:  Bell School Campus

RCS Sport Requirements

Physical Exams: Each student athlete must have a current exam on file at the school before participation in sport practices. NOTE: Exams expire after one calendar year.  Kindergarten and Grade 6 school physicals will count for the sports physical.

Sport Fees & Forms: Each student must turn in the following to the Elementary Office before participating in a sport: 

  • physical
  • sports fee
  • athletic emergency form
  • Covid waiver

(Forms may be downloaded from the school's website.) 

Uniforms: Co-ed Soccer and Volleyball athletes will be issued a school uniform, which must be returned at the conclusion of the season.  Flag Football, Basketball, Cheerleading, and Track athletes will be allowed to keep their uniforms. 

Eligibility: Student athletes must maintain eligibility in academics and citizenship at school. Student athletes will receive a copy of the Sports Handbook to review all athletic policies including eligibility.

*If you have any questions, contact Nathan Hultman


- Athletic emergency form

- IHSA sports physical form

- Athletic Handbook

- IHSA concussion information sheet